BIAS 2023

LOMAN ART HOUSE | Partcours 2023 BIAS Dakar | Senegal L’art dans la Cité | Art in the city

Imparerai a tue spese che nel lungo tragitto della vita incontrerai tante maschere e pochi volti tratto da Uno Nessuno e Centomila di Luigi Pirandello | You will learn the hard way that on the long journey of life you will encounter many masks and a few faces taken from One Nobody and One Hundred Thousand by Luigi Pirandello

Alioune Diouf, Anta Germaine Gaye, Djiby Ly, Sarita Marchesi Diop, Rosa Mundi, Abderahmane Ngaïde, Hannu Palosuo, Silvia Scaringella, Momar Seck, Abdoulaye Samba Sy, Nalla

Organizzazione : Curatore Massimo Scaringella, Direzione e Coordinamento Sarita Marchesi Diop (artiste et enseignante ISD) e Loman Gallery

“Dans la vie, j’ai rencontré beaucoup de masques et peu de visages” Pirandello
Edité par Massimo Scaringella 
Direction Sarita Marchesi pour BIAS et Loman Art Gallery
Artistes : Alioune Diouf, Anta Germaine Gaye, Rosa Mundi, Hannu Palosuo, Silvia Scaringella
L’exposition est née d’une étroite collaboration entre la Loman Art Gallery de Dakar et la Fondation Donà dalle Rose de Venise, Italie, promoteur de la BIAS-Biennale Internazionale Arte Contemporanea Sacra, la première et la seule Biennale dédiée au monde inspirée par les réflexions de Vasilij Kandinsky « le spirituel dans l’art », conçu par l’artiste Rosa Mundi qui a fondé le mouvement artistique néo-spatialiste/symboliste en 2009. BIAS est une opportunité de rencontre entre artistes du monde entier qui, libérés d’une vision étatiste de l’art, explorent et expriment la partie la plus intime, universelle et spirituelle de leur recherche artistique, quelle que soit leur nationalité ou leur état d’appartenance, parmi les abrahamiques. , zoroastrien, bouddhiste, hindou, chaman, ésotérique, philosophique et scientifique en collaboration avec Cairo Tronic 2016 et 2018 et le pavillon iranien de la Biennale de Venise 2017.

La mostra nasce da una stretta collaborazione sorta tra Loman Art Gallery di Dakar la Fondazione Donà dalle Rose di Venezia, Italia, promotrice della BIAS-Biennale Internazionale Arte Contemporanea Sacra, la prima ed unica Biennale al mondo dedicata ispirata alle riflessioni di Vasilij Kandinskij “lo spirituale nell’arte”, ideata dall’artista Rosa Mundi che nel 2009 ha fondato la corrente artistica neo-spazialista/simbolista. BIAS è una occasione d’intro tra gli artisti di tutto il mondo che svincolati da una visione statalista dell’arte, indagano ed esprimono la parte più intima, universale e spirituale della loro ricerca artistica, a prescindere dalla sua nazionalità o Stato di appartenenza, tra padiglioni abramitici, zoroastriani, buddisti, induisti, sciamani, esoterici, filosofici, scientifici collaborando con Cairotronic 2016 e 2018 e la Biennale di Venezia 2017 Padiglione Iran.


Vernissage le lundi 4 décembre à 18h, avec Badara Seck – compositeur de la musique du film « Io, Capitano » de M. Garrone / Mara Diop & Jhonny’s Family Project.
Exposition : du 4 décembre 2023 au 31 janvier 2024.

Symbiotic Movement

In a vibrant celebration of cultural harmony and artistic collaboration, three Italian artists, who recently concluded an artist residency program in Loman Art gallery, join forces with a collective of four talented Senegalese artists for a compelling group exhibition titled “Symbiotic Movement”, curated by Massimo Scaringella, Chiara Dona dalle Rose & Rosa Mundi, Dauda Gueye, Loman Pawlitschek and Sarita Marchesi van der Meer, this exhibition will be shown at Loman Art Gallery, supported by Fondazion Dona’ dalle Rose and BIAS, pledges to engage both art enthusiasts and aficionados alike with its diverse range of visual narratives and mediums.
“Symbiotic Movement” as a concept for the art exhibition signifies the interconnections and mutual relationship between different cultural and artistic expressions. The “symbiotic” refers to a close and mutually beneficial interaction between two different entities. In this context, it represents the merging and harmonious coexistence of Italian and Senegalese artistic visions. The exhibition aims to showcase how these diverse cultural backgrounds and artistic styles complement and enrich each other. It explores the idea that despite originating from distinct cultural heritages, these artists find common ground, influencing and inspiring each other’s work through this exhibition. The “movement” implies not only the physical movement of artists but also the dynamic exchange of ideas, influences, and artistic techniques between the Italian and Senegalese creators. It emphasizes the flow, evolution, and transformation of artistic expressions through this collaboration.
The Italian trio—Silvia Scaringella, Hannu Palosuo, and Rosa Mundi—echo their unique Italian heritage while interweaving contemporary influences. Recently, they underwent an immersive artist residency program at the Loman Art Gallery, deepening their ties to the local culture.
Joining them are four visionary Senegalese artists—Alioune Diouf, Anta Germaine Gaye, Abderahmane Ngaide and Momar Seck whose creations boast a vibrant expression of African heritage, storytelling, and abstracted symbolism. Their pieces are a testament to the rich artistic traditions of Senegal, infused with modern-day influences that reflect the evolving narratives of their homeland.
Momar Seck is an accomplished artist of Senegalese and Swiss origin. His works function as plural units, a variety of textures and colors which appear as a singular diversity. Silvia Scarinegella is prolific sculptor of from Rome and Carrara. Her works symbolize the anthropological search for individual behaviors. Hannu Palosuo is portrait painter from Finland. His works delve into the memory of the self and the perpetual struggle to remember that which we have experienced. Rosa Mundi is a painter of Italian origin.

Her works blend together the mediums of recycled materials, glass, and paintings to tell stories of metamorphosis. Alioune Diouf is a painter and sculptor of Serer origin. His works are diverse in materials and intertwine figures in symbolic compositions. Anta Germaine Gaye is often considered the first female artist from Senegal. Her works combine the natural and abstract worlds. Abderrahmane Ngaïdé is a researcher of history from Dakar. His artwork focuses on the strange shapes of certain plant life. Through this exhibition, we aim to create a dialogue that transcends borders, allowing audiences to experience the harmony and richness found at the intersection of Italian and Senegalese artistic expressions. From evocative paintings and sculptures to thought-provoking installations and multimedia presentations, the exhibition promises a multi-sensory experience that invites contemplation and dialogue about the interconnections of cultures.
“Symbiotic Movement” exhibition symbolizes a fluid, cooperative, and interdependent relationship between Italian and Senegalese cultures and artistic perspectives, fostering a dialogue that transcends boundaries. It will be on display at Loman Art Gallery from 4 December 2023 to 4 January 2024.